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Most Chanel shoppers walk into their favorite Chanel boutique and either pre-order pieces or buy straight off the rack. If you want Chanel, those are your two options—if you’re not a special Chanel client. For a select few, there’s a custom experience of buying (and viewing) Chanel, rooted in the heritage of Chanel’s atelier tradition. That experience is Haute Couture.

Haute Couture, literally “high sewing,” is high fashion by Fendi Replica Handbags definition. It doesn’t get classier, more detailed or more expensive than this. All Haute Couture pieces are bespoke and made by hand, fitting perfectly according to a client’s measurements. Because of this process, every piece is unique—and undoubtedly a piece of art. Only the most VIP of Chanel clients are invited to Haute Couture shows and events, and can order bespoke pieces, ranging from daywear to evening gowns.

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Recently, glamorous fashionista—and our new PurseBop Correspondent from Russia that will be reporting insider information—Katya Ackermann (@katyackermann) had the privilege of attending an Haute Couture event, where she saw the dazzling designs up close. She’s been so generous as to share the details of the evening with us. Read on for exclusive insights (and photos) on Chanel Haute Couture behind the scenes!

Last month, I was lucky enough to be invited to the “Villa Chanel” event in Moscow, based on Chanels Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2019 Collection. It was the first time the House of Chanel brought its Haute Couture creations to Russia in at least a decade. On May 22, in Maison 45 on Bolshaya Nikitsiaya Street, the attendees gathered in anticipation.I was especially looking forward to welcoming the Chanel Haute Couture Paris team: Marie Helene Chenut, Director of Haute Couture Paris; Martha Ortiz, Clients Relations Haute Couture Paris; and Virginie Laubie, Director Salons Haute Couture Paris.

The Maison 45 is a three-floor building perfectly suited to the Villa theme of the fashion show. All the guests were sitting in the elegant salon, where the models were walking between the tables, dressed up head-to-toe in the collection.

As the models walked, Marie Helene described the designs in detail. She mentioned Karl Lagerfeld’s inspiration behind each look, the techniques the ateliers used and exactly how long it took to create each piece. She explained every silhouette and every cut, giving us an idea of where the main motifs of the maison could be found throughout the collection, and how they were connected to and inspired by Coco Chanel’s life.













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